Bridging Utopia
Directed by Alan Govenar
Details: 2019, 25 minutes, Director: Alan Govenar, Narrator: Philippe de Montebello, Cinematographer: Didier Dorant, Editor: Jason Johnson-Spinos, Writers: Alan Govenar, Jason Johnson-Spinos & Frédéric Panni, Additional Cinematography: Robert Tullier, Additional Editor: Alan Hatchett
Vimeo On Demand | Les Blank Films
Bridging Utopia chronicles two attempts to forge a more equitable world: the connection between them, the people creating them, and the legacy they have left behind. Both inspired by the social philosophy of Charles Fourier—one, La Réunion, outside Dallas, failed, the other, the Familistère, in Guise, France, lasted nearly a century.